Tyler Jorgenson

One Entrepreneur's Journey To Find Greatness


What a day!

I had an awesome day today. I spent most of the day down in Orange County negotiating contracts on a few big real estate deals. I have some great clients that I am working with to put together a commercial venture and we wrote up a couple offers on residential properties today. Then I had lunch with a good friend and business partner (thanks for lunch Phil, the cucumber wrapped spicy tuna rocked). Just when I thought the day was approaching it’s apex I landed a new client that has a lot of property in coastal Orange County. One of his properties leases for $19,000 a month and I’m hoping to have it sold this week!

To top it all off I met my wife and kids at Disneyland for dinner and check out my score on Buzz Lightyear… I don’t know why, but I was really proud of this.

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No more Vitamin Water for me

The other day at work we had a conversation about the health effects of Guarana that is in some Vitamin Waters. None of us knew if this was a good stimulant, like that found in cocoa, or a bad stimulant like caffeine. Although I’m still not sure of the answer, I no longer have to worry since I had my ‘last’ vitamin water yesterday.

My wife pointed out this article to me today.
Worst “Healthy” Drink
Glaceau VitaminWater (any flavor; 20 oz bottle)
130 calories
33 grams sugar

I’m a little disappointed, because I really liked Vitamin Water. I felt healthy since it was all vitaminny and watery. Things I was told were good for me. Turns out it’s mostly sugary. Well, I’m back to just water.

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This is a great ‘ad’ recently featured on Godins blog. I found it rather amusing as it reminded me how much I dislike dog and pony shows in the corporate realm.If you’re in that realm, make sure you’re at least making decent money while you eat the free donuts and enjoy this funny commercial for The Ladders.

The Most $100k+ Jobs. Over 30,000 new open positions this month. Sign up now with TheLadders.com.

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This Day in History

Washington, who served as commander-in-chief of the Continental army in the American Revolution, was elected the first President of the US after the adoption of the Constitution. His two-term administration was marked by the establishment of a number of key American institutions that continue to operate today. Because of his central role in the founding of the US, Washington is often called the “Father of his Country.” Can you think of 5 places or institutions that are named after him?

George Washington remains the only President to receive 100% of the electoral votes. That certainly is a stark contrast to this years race. In this time full of war, economic crisis and general uncertainty it would be nice if we had clarity as a nation on who is best suited to lead us out of the mire.

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Ironic Typo

Pulling into a parking lot the other day I noticed this nice new sign on the dumpster area door. This is in a new commercial complex that is overall a pretty well done project, but this just cracked me up.

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For some reason my Mom let me read MAD Magazine growing up. I loved SPY vs SPY, the cartoons in the margins, the spoofs on current events and movies and always loved the back page fold in. I was always mad (irony?) when some kid would fold in the back cover of a copy in the store. It seemed to take the fun out of it for me so I had to dig around for one that was unadulterated.

“The NY Times recently ran an interesting story on Al Jaffee, the mastermind behind the fold-in. Since its first appearance in the April 1964 issue of Mad magazine, the 87 year-old Al Jaffee has drawn every one of these backpage fold-ins. WOW!

Take a few minutes this Tuesday and rekindle your MAD magazine fold-in memories with this wicked cool digital gallery.” – John Moore

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Earthquake Quiz

Post your score in the comments. Don’t be shy.

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Funny Stuff

I saw this on a recent email that I received and thoroughly enjoyed the wit of the comic, so I thought I would share. I think it was especially funny since I didn’t notice who the job applicant was until I read the punchline and looked back at the drawing.

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In doing some research for my previous post I came across a few funny toilet related pics.

My favorite is the last one. Have a nice night!

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What Lies Ahead For Somebody With Such a Royal Delivery?

Reuters reports (via Yahoo) that a woman in India accidentally gave birth to a baby girl while using a train toilet. What’s worse is that not only was this child born into a toilet but she slipped down the hole, onto the tracks and wasn’t found for a couple of hours. Apparently she survived and is doing well.
I guess the good thing is that if she ever makes it onto American Idol she won’t have to think very hard to come up with a most embarrassing moment.

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Cogito, ergo sum – For those that speak Latin

Which do you prefer?

Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum


Cogito, ergo sum

The shirt to the right cracks me up. A while back I read a post on some blog somewhere that many people blog not because they expect a lot of readers but because they feel a sense of accomplishment when they click the ‘publish post’ button. How weird are we as a people that we feel a level of validation from such a thing. I’m not much of a blue collar working with my hands and sweating all day type of a guy and I do feel good when I create something that I can look back on and see the fruits of my labor. I guess that means I blog for me… even though all this time I thought I was blogging for you, the reader… or at least I thought I was doing it for us. Maybe that’s still it. I know that people feel all warm and fuzzy when they get comments left from visitors. This little blog of mine had over 50 visitors (not many, but hey I’m not complaining) the other day and few comments. Do we blog to interact? Do we blog to share? Do we blog just so that there is some evidence that we once existed… blogito ergo sum?

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Tired of washing your underwear?

I was sitting in a mortgage companies office today, waiting to speak with somebody about a loan we’re trying to fund, and came across an interesting ad in a magazine.

www.onederwear.com sells disposable underwear for traveling. Just when I thought I’d seen the peak of our wastefulness, this rears it’s head.

In case you’re wondering they make different cuts, in case you need a disposable thong.

Ultra-light disposable underwear created for travel. Product line includes disposable briefs and panties, disposable socks, travel clothing and accessories for both men and women.

Ultra-light disposable underwear created for travel. Product line includes disposable briefs and panties, disposable socks, travel clothing and accessories for both men and women.

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