Tyler Jorgenson

One Entrepreneur's Journey To Find Greatness



For some reason my Mom let me read MAD Magazine growing up. I loved SPY vs SPY, the cartoons in the margins, the spoofs on current events and movies and always loved the back page fold in. I was always mad (irony?) when some kid would fold in the back cover of a copy in the store. It seemed to take the fun out of it for me so I had to dig around for one that was unadulterated.

“The NY Times recently ran an interesting story on Al Jaffee, the mastermind behind the fold-in. Since its first appearance in the April 1964 issue of Mad magazine, the 87 year-old Al Jaffee has drawn every one of these backpage fold-ins. WOW!

Take a few minutes this Tuesday and rekindle your MAD magazine fold-in memories with this wicked cool digital gallery.” – John Moore

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