Tyler Jorgenson

One Entrepreneur's Journey To Find Greatness


A Thanksgiving Goodbye

Just before sitting down to dinner with my wife’s family I got a call from my Aunt and Uncle informing me that my Father’s Father had passed away. This was not entirely unexpected but still caught me a bit off guard. My Grandfather was 94 years old and had been very strong well into his 80’s. A while back he was diagnosed with Leukemia and in the end had at least 3 types of cancer. I am confident that it was his “time to go”, as they say. No amount of preparation can truly prepare one for the moment when death visits a family member. I find myself reflecting on memories of my Grandfather and also on the legacy that I am currently establishing for my posterity. That legacy is what remains when it’s our time to pass on, and I don’t plan on leaving anything behind that isn’t phenomenal.

A few months ago we went to visit my Grandfather and introduce him to his only Great Grandson that shares his last name.

So, in addition to the US Flag Code Section 4 I am also grateful for a loving God that has a plan for us. Hug the ones you love.

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A National Day of Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from Tyler Jorgenson

Earlier this week I was reading through the Flag Code of the United States and came to the section regarding the Pledge of Allegiance. In response to a challenge of the use of the words ‘under God’ in the pledge Congress presented it’s findings to justify it’s choice to leave the words in the pledge. 16 findings were cited but number 6 stood out to me and I’d like to share it with you:

“6. On September 25, 1789, the First Congress unanimously approved a resolution calling on President George Washington to proclaim a National Day of Thanksgiving for the people of the United States by declaring, ‘a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging, with grateful hearts, the many signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a constitution of government for their safety and happiness.'”

On this Day of Thanksgiving it is my hope that we can all have gratitude in our hearts for this great land in which we live. May today be full of warmth and happiness for you and yours.

With Gratitude,

Tyler Jorgenson

If you are interested in learning more about the products like Loan Modifications that Ascension Financial Ascensionoffers please click here to email me. Ascension Real Estate is here to assist buyers and sellers in today’s opportunity market.

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My First Interview With Forbes

That’s an optimistic headline, I know.

Here’s a link to the article. It is accurate as to how I survived the real estate crunch, but fails to mention the other companies we now have in the building. I was hoping it would mention the company name, etc but I’ll take what I can get.

Oh, and that’s not my office pictured.

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Rules for a Perfect Day

Rules for a Perfect Day
Author: Tom Hopkins

Just for today…

I will try to live and delight in the reality of being alive. My past is forever gone, my future an uncertainty, so I will be happy and thankful for each moment.

I will not allow negative input into my mind…happiness is a choice and I choose to be happy.

I will be thankful to God for my health, my loved ones, my business, and my country. I will also be thankful for any pain in crisis that helps me grow because God has said, be thankful in all things.

I will take care of my body, realizing the importance of the words moderation and balance, knowing that as I bring my flesh under control, how much easier it will be to control my will and my actions.

I will treat everyone I meet today the way I would like to be treated. I will strive to have them like themselves better when they’re with me.

I will avoid gossip, jealousy, and negative thinking. Most people don’t think about what they think about. Today, I will make a conscious effort to hold loving and beautiful thoughts in my mind.

I will write down my priorities; thinking of my loved ones and my responsibilities. I may not get everything done, but I will do the most productive thing possible at every given moment.

I will strive to humble myself before others, controlling my ego and making other people feel important.

I will spend time in study, learning how to better serve my fellowman. I know my growth in all areas is in direct proportion to the service I give to others.

I will not take rejection personally. I am first and foremost in the people business and, thus, realize they can only reject my proposal and not me. I will keep on keepin’ on.

I will spend time in prayer, asking God to let others see the light of His shining love through me.

©Copyright 1976 Tom Hopkins International, Inc.

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Come Together

I lived in South Africa just 5 short years after the fall of the apartheid government. Upon learning that I was going to move to South Africa I began researching the country and it’s current events. I was moved at that time by the following two quotes from President Nelson Mandela’s inaugural address:

“The time for the healing of the wounds has come.

The moment to bridge the chasms that divide us has come.

The time to build is upon us. “

“We know it well that none of us acting alone can achieve success.

We must therefore act together as a united people, for national reconciliation, for nation building, for the birth of a new world.

Let there be justice for all.

Let there be peace for all. “

Nelson Mandela: Inaugural Address, May 10, 1994

Yesterday the world watched as we as an American people cast our votes in a very historic election. With the results of the Presidential race now solidified and with many of the local issues coming down to the wire there is certain to be a lot of emotion.

In all of the turmoil around us let us remember that we are one people. We are Americans. As Americans we believe in individual rights and among those rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. One great thing our nation offers is the freedom to pursue happiness through our freedom of speech. Surrounding us every day are people with different opinions. We must maintain and show respect for each other now more than ever. If we are to remain united as a Nation we must first be united as a people.

Two points from Senator John McCain’s concession speech:

“Let there be no reason now … Let there be no reason now for any American to fail to cherish their citizenship in this, the greatest nation on Earth.”

“I call on all Americans, as I have often in this campaign, to not despair of our present difficulties, but to believe, always, in the promise and greatness of America, because nothing is inevitable here.

Americans never quit. We never surrender.

We never hide from history. We make history.”

And a couple from President Elect Barack Obama’s Victory Speech:

“Let us resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long.”

“As Lincoln said to a nation far more divided than ours, “We are not enemies, but friends… Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.” And, to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn, I may not have won your vote, but I hear your voices, I need your help, and I will be your president, too.”

Let us unite together in the commonality of hope. Let us acknowledge our friends and accept their differences with no malice. Let us move forward together leaving behind the tensions of the past.

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Thanks for voting, now here’s your free stuff

As if playing a part in the political process is not enough, you can now get free stuff for voting too. I guess this election is already helping the economy, because at least three major chains are well off enough to give out freebies. Click on the pics for details.

There are some others too.

Click Here For More Free Stuff
And More

I hope you vote today. For all the right reasons.

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Upcoming Election

This post is in response to a request from my friend Viwe in South Africa.

This will be an election for the record books. Here in California tens of millions of dollars have been raised to campaign the yays and nays for Proposition 8. We have a very interesting, if not comical, Presidential campaign going on and I can’t help but shake my head in wonder. Are these really the best two candidates we can find? I think both Men are strong, capable and intelligent. I just want more from a President. I want a person of conviction and moral fortitude. I want somebody free from the influences of their party and driven by the rights of the people.

These clips illustrate the comedic nature of the election.

The preamble to our Nation’s Constitution says it well:

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

I do not believe that the views of either Barack Obama or John McCain are in line with furthering this great cause. I am not as well versed in the Constitution as I would like to be. I recognize that I know very little about the details and innerworkings of Congress and the Senate. Like Gov. Palin I did not know exactly what the Vice President does all day. Obama does give me a vague feeling of discomfort, but I am also not a fan of many of the people and organizations that he is and has been affiliated with.

In California there are 10 choices on election day, not just two. I do not think I will cast my vote for either of the bi-partisan candidates. A friend said we needed to choose between ‘the evil of two lessers’ and although I enjoyed the wit I refuse to cast my ballot behind somebody that I do not believe to be the right leader of this great Nation.

If this bored you, thanks for reading to the end anyway.

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Social Networking and Charity

Thanks to websites like Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn I have been able to reconnect with many of my friends from ages past. These sites are also good for meeting and networking with new people, but I particularly enjoy the reconnecting part. Blogs have become more popularized over the past few years and there aren’t too many of us guys out here. One of my friends from the past, I think we trick or treated together in 1989, is Deyl. Deyl and his wife Paige have issued a challenge to the blogosphere… make them give until it hurts.

Deyl and Paige are going to donate $10 to Opportunity International for every comment on their post titled ‘Make me give ’til it hurts’ before the first Thursday in November. Go to his site and tell him Tyler sent you. Just follow the 3 steps he outlined… spread the word… change the world.

Thanks Deyl and Paige… you guys are inspirational.

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