A little while ago I mentioned that my wife signed me up for a 5k at Disneyland. It’s been about 9 years since I’ve ran for more than a mile, so I started training. And then we went on vacation, and then I had a week long of 6am meetings, and then I got sick. The longest I’d ran was for about 15 minutes and I didn’t think I’d be done with the 3.2 miles in that amount of time.
Here is my hot wife and I right before the run. The run was fun. The course went through the Disneyland Park and California Adventure. There were characters along the entire way cheering on all of the runners. My wife took lots of pics to show the kids, I was too busy trying not to burst a lung.
We made it. I didn’t die, but I think I need to keep running so it doesn’t hurt so badly next time.
Edit: Here is the course map for the Disneyland 5k. I couldn’t find it online so I had to scan it. It was a fun run to be a part of, especially since we had friends and family along with us. We’ll see how we do training for the next 52 weeks.
The world tuned in to ABC a few weeks ago to watch my Network Television debut, only to find that I was nearly edited out completely from the episode of WIPEOUT in which I participated. It may not come as a shock to you that, although this was my TV debut, this sort of thing is not unusual for a massive star such as myself. Didn’t you know I was already famous prior to WIPEOUT?
In 1997 I was in the movie CONTACT. Yep, Foster, McConaughey and Jorgenson all in one epic saga about a message from outer space, headphones and large satelite dishes.
Here’s the video of my superstardom
Filming the movie with other celebrities was quite enjoyable and rewarding. I even got a free long sleeved white shirt with a Contact logo on it, along with $450!Ok, so I’m not famous… nor was I in 1997. My High School choir used the directors need for extras as a fundraising tool and so we got $150 a day and got out of school all to raise money to go to DisneyWorld. Sounds like we had our priorities right where they should be. And yes, that really is me in the black hat and brown shirt.
The family and I are staying at Marriott’s Newport Coast Villas for a few days. This is an amazing part of the world, truly breathtaking views and spectacular beaches. We’ve stayed here before but somehow this time it’s different. It’s in my blood now… this is where we’ll end up. It’s just a matter of time, well and a lot of cash. Driving around here is like going to a fancy car convention. I hope they don’t mind my cool guy minivan. The doors are automatic… is that cool enough to fit in?
The 8 million dollar homes and $450,000 cars are nothing compared to these assets.
I am at a Starbucks in Newport Coast waiting for a client. Since I'm not a coffee drinker I always take my time going into the store. While walking up to the door I noticed this peculiar sight… Maybe the person they are looking to hire would have to have the skills to hang signs properly. With unemployment approaching 6 percent and underemployment well into the teens it seems Starbucks could hire some pretty skillful baristas.