Tyler Jorgenson

One Entrepreneur's Journey To Find Greatness


Today and the Law of Expectation

So some guys ‘stole’ my law, named it the law of attraction and made a killing marketing the concept that the things we dwell upon become bigger in our lives. The Law of Expectation that I began formulating in 1999 while living in Africa is a little different, and I plan on expounding on it in a post shortly.

I have been waiting on some pretty big deals to close recently. Three big ones and a couple little ones, but they’re all big to me right now. With the real estate market in turmoil none of these deals have gone remotely close to as planned and this has been the source of a small *cough* amount of stress in my life. But today things begin to change in my favor. There may not be one specific thing that will change today, but I believe that the momentum will finally be picking up and moving in my direction. I’m ready to unload these three so I can focus on new projects and spend some quality time with the family that has been so patient with me.

So if you woke up this morning and smelled something in the air, it was the winds of change and it smells GREAT!

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