With unemployment up and the job market weak I knew that I would get a lot of responses to a recent post on Craigslist. We are looking for somebody that is tech savvy, detail oriented and sees things through to the end. Since every applicant lists at least one of those as their strengths I wrote the add to self filter. Here’s what I wrote:
“We are currently looking for another Assistant. The qualified assistant must be very task oriented, a planner, able to work in chaos and be skilled in the MS Suite and general computing. Applicants with experience in Finance, Real Estate, Mortgage Origination and/or telemarketing are desired.
To be considered please follow these guidelines closely (If your email does not meet these guidelines your application will not be considered complete):
1. Submit a resume in PDF format via email
2. In the email you send state why you feel you are perfect for the job
3. Include your cell phone number and times you can be reached
6. Point out what is wrong with this list, and include a photo of yourself
4. Include the date you can begin working (we need somebody immediately)
5. Please state in the email your favorite ice cream flavor
Following these application guidelines will help us weed out applicants. We will schedule interviews promptly.”
In 24 hours I have had 20 resumes sent over and only 5 of them have hit each of the 6 points. For the record, I don’t care if the applicant actually sends a photo or tells me their favorite ice cream flavor as long as they acknowledge that they read that part of the instructions.
Last time I posted a similar listing only 15% of the applicants got everything right. I guess things are looking up.