Tyler Jorgenson

One Entrepreneur's Journey To Find Greatness


Today’s Job Market

With unemployment up and the job market weak I knew that I would get a lot of responses to a recent post on Craigslist. We are looking for somebody that is tech savvy, detail oriented and sees things through to the end. Since every applicant lists at least one of those as their strengths I wrote the add to self filter. Here’s what I wrote:

“We are currently looking for another Assistant. The qualified assistant must be very task oriented, a planner, able to work in chaos and be skilled in the MS Suite and general computing. Applicants with experience in Finance, Real Estate, Mortgage Origination and/or telemarketing are desired.

To be considered please follow these guidelines closely (If your email does not meet these guidelines your application will not be considered complete):

1. Submit a resume in PDF format via email

2. In the email you send state why you feel you are perfect for the job

3. Include your cell phone number and times you can be reached

6. Point out what is wrong with this list, and include a photo of yourself

4. Include the date you can begin working (we need somebody immediately)

5. Please state in the email your favorite ice cream flavor

Following these application guidelines will help us weed out applicants. We will schedule interviews promptly.”

In 24 hours I have had 20 resumes sent over and only 5 of them have hit each of the 6 points. For the record, I don’t care if the applicant actually sends a photo or tells me their favorite ice cream flavor as long as they acknowledge that they read that part of the instructions.

Last time I posted a similar listing only 15% of the applicants got everything right. I guess things are looking up.



Don’t let the world get you down.

The world is full of people wanting you to have a bad day. Don’t let them.

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Breakfast Meeting

I'm enjoying a nice breakfast here in Crystal Cove with one of my
business partners. This is a gorgeous part of the world, and perfect
for formulating some business plans.

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Common Sense

Do you know of the man Thomas Paine? I’ll admit I knew very little other than that he was involved in early revolutionary politics and the author of some political pamphlets. On my Google Homepage I get a This Day In History snippet.

It was 233 years ago when Paine self published Common Sense, which convinced many colonists, including George Washington and John Adams, to seek redress in political independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain . Here are a couple great quotes from the 233 year old pamphlet:

“But where says some is the king of America? I’ll tell you friend, he reigns above, and doth not make havoc of mankind like the royal brute of Britain. … so far as we approve of monarchy, that in America the law is king.”

“. . . have every opportunity and every encouragement before us, to form the noblest purest constitution on the face of the earth. We have it in our power to begin the world over again. A situation, similar to the present, hath not happened since the days of Noah until now. The birthday of a new world is at hand, and a race of men, perhaps as numerous as all Europe contains, are to receive their portion of freedom from the event of a few months.”

It truly is wonderful that inspired men laid the foundation for the freedoms enjoyed today by so many.

As a final trivia piece it was Paine that first suggested the name The United States of America.

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Another Earthquake

It may be time to re-take the quiz I posted early 2008.

Post your score in the comments. Don’t be shy.

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View From The Federal Hall

While in New York last month my wife and I visited the Federal Hall where President George Washington was inaugurated as our first President of this great and free land. Standing on the steps of that great monument I felt for a moment the powerful strength of the Founding Fathers. They were men of Character and Valor. Standing on the tops of the steps one looks directly out at the New York Stock Exchange. It is an interesting juxtaposition of two of the great pieces of the United States. The last few years have seen what each the Federal Hall and the NYSE represent challenged, tested and beaten up. Our economy is in peril and the leaders in our government have in many ways let down the people they were asked to serve.

I came across the following quote from the magnanimous Thomas Jefferson:

“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”

My view from sitting on the steps of the Federal Hall was clear. It’s time to stand up. Literally, the steps were quite cold and I didn’t need my back side getting cold. In a more meaningful sense it was time to stand up and start acting.

I am so grateful to live in America. This truly is the land of opportunity, and now is the time to seek out those opportunities. Fortunes are made in the Bear markets, the profits are usually just realized in the Bull.

It’s not the proper roll of the Government to come in and save all of the companies or to bail each of us out. It’s our job to learn from our mistakes and grow stronger. We can grow stronger. We can get smarter. We can prosper again.

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Newport Beach Sunset

Another wonderful day with the family capped off with a perfect sunset.

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